TAP is a practical tool to support countries' response to the recommendations of the Global Report on Assistive Technology. Trained personnel are essential to the effective provision of assistive products. Proper assessment, fitting, user training, and follow-up are all vital and without these four key steps, assistive products may be of no use, abandoned, or cause physical harm. In many contexts, however, there is a severe shortage of trained personnel to provide assistive products, or they are not accessible to thclicke whole population.
Training in Assistive Products (TAP) by the World Health Organization (WHO), includes training on a range of assistive products to support cognition, communication, vision, hearing, self-care, and mobility from WHO’s Priority Assistive Products List. It is a free online interactive learning resource designed to address AT workforce gaps, enabling community-level personnel to provide assistive products safely and effectively through four simple steps. This ground-breaking online resource is designed to increase the assistive technology workforce, with a focus on simple, priority assistive products.
Come and join the launch events
Two launch events are planned for Thursday, 10 November:
1. A launch webinar will take place from 13:00 – 14:00 CET, hosted by WHO. The event will be in English with live interpretation in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and international sign. There will also be live captioning.
Register for the webinar here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S5dWCS6CSE2EhKFDHPn2AQ
2. A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) of the first TAP module, Introduction
to Assistive Products, will open at 13:00 CET and run for a two-week period until 24 November. The module will be available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Georgian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian. The MOOC will give you the opportunity to experience TAP first-hand and think about how TAP might be useful to you.
Register for the MOOC here: https://mailchi.mp/who/tap-mooc

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