What is GAATO?
The Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations (GAATO) is a new world body based in Geneva, Switzerland, representing global assistive technology (AT).
GAATO works strategically and globally towards a world where all people can access the assistive technology they need. GAATO members have a strong track record of advancing people’s rights to appropriate assistive technology through practice, research, education, advocacy, and knowledge exchange.
Membership is open to legally established membership organisations, and a key GAATO mission is to support the development of assistive technology organisations in low- and middle-income countries. Joining GAATO opens the gate to partnerships and collaborations – come talk to us!

There has never been a better time to be local and think global than at the 2020 RESNA Conference, held virtually from North America.
The GAATO AT Outcomes and Impacts Summit is an exciting opportunity to join some of the world’s leading outcomes researchers discussing the future of international outcomes research.
Hosted by Professor Luc de Witte, GAATO President and members of the GAATO Board, Professor Marcia Scherer & Professor Roger O. Smith will deliver the plenary address,
Different Strokes for Different Folks: Different Outcomes are Valued by Different Stakeholders.
The GAATO AT Outcomes & Impact Initiative
GAATO has placed the theme of 'AT outcomes and impact' high on its list of priority themes and wishes to start a global discussion on how to measure and improve outcomes and impact.
Come and join us as we begin these discussions. We will be opening the door for continued discourse as a global community and to generate future opportunities for sharing experiences and collaborative projects.
How can I participate?
Book your place now through the RESNA Conference website or register for the FREE GAATO@ RESNA Virtual Opening Forum. Details below.
GAATO @ RESNA Global AT Outcomes & Impacts Summit
Programme in short
GAATO @ RESNA Virtual Opening Forum on AT Outcomes & Impacts Wednesday, 23rd Sept at 8:30 - 9:45 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time ) Register for free here Registered participants will receive a Zoom link from Monash University, Australia host of the Opening Forum, prior to the meeting.
Within RESNA’s expansive program, GAATO is proud to host the following
AT Outcomes and Impact Streams as part of the summit:
Global AT Outcome/Impact - Live Chat Poster Session*
showcasing cutting edge AT endeavours in Romania, India, Spain, Australia and Africa.
Wednesday, 23rd, 10:00 - 11:20 am ET
Global AT Outcome/Impact – Emerging Concepts*
Kenya, Australia, and Global
Join speakers from across the globe sharing their work. Emerging concepts covers digital manufacture in low income settings, and critical concepts in describing, discussing and evaluating AT.
Global AT Outcome/Impact – Practices*
El Salvador, Uganda, North America
Presenters from the global south and north showcase person-focussed partnerships and developments across diverse practice settings.
Thursday, 24th, 9.30 -11.20 am ET
*Note: RESNA full conference registration is required for these sessions!
Reduced rates for GAATO members and students.
Reduced rates for members of GAATO members and students. To obtain the reduced rate, members of GAATO member organisations should sign up for a registration code here.
RESNA conference registrants will have full access to the entire RESNA conference and 3 GAATO sessions real-time/synchronous. Plus, RESNA is recording sessions to make them available to all registrants for 30 days following the conference.
For the full RESNA conference programme: https://www.resna.org/Events/Annual-Conference GAATO @ RESNA
Global AT Outcomes & Impacts Summit
Extended programme
CONFERENCE DAY 1: Wednesday, 23rd of September 2020 8:30 - 9:45 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
GAATO @ RESNA Opening Forum
Free session
Register here
Zoom hosted by Monash University, Australia
Setting the Scene Professor Luc de Witte, GAATO President and GAATO Board Panel
Launching the GAATO AT Outcomes & Impacts Initiative
Professor Roger O. Smith
Plenary Address:
Different Strokes for Different Folks: Different Outcomes are Valued by Different Stakeholders Professor Marcia Scherer & Professor Roger O. Smith
The summit continues within the regular RESNA conference programme.
*Note: To attend RESNA full conference registration required!
Reduced rates for GAATO members and students.
To obtain the reduced rate, members of GAATO member organizations should sign up here or contact execoffice@resna.org to obtain a reduced price code.

CONFERENCE DAY 1: Wednesday, 23rd of September 2020
10:00 - 11:20 am ET Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
GAATO @ RESNA AT Outcomes & Impacts Summit - POSTERS
Live chat GAATO Poster Session (with RESNA posters)
(posters are up 24/7 full conference)
International Assistive Technology Service Case Report: Outcomes of a Romanian and Huntington University Collaboration Authors: Laryn O'Donnell, Jeanne Sowers
Region: Romania
Assistive Technology awareness and utilization of its potential among lower limb amputees of Delhi, India Authors: Chitra Chander Shekhar, Srinivasan Kannan
Region: India
Outcomes or Impact? When the difficult to measure results appears: The experience in Spain Authors: Thais Pousada, Estíbaliz Jiménez, Emiliano Díez
Region: Spain
Addressing data gaps to improve evidence on AT outcomes – an update from Australia Authors: Emily J. Steel
Region: Australia
Development, validation and impact of a suite of outcomes tools to give triangulated data on the appropriateness of wheelchairs designed for use in low-income settings Authors: Karen Rispin, Vicki Sheafer, Natasha Layton, Larry Raymond
Region: Africa
Other relevant international events on Day 1.
11.30 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
RESNA International Plenary with Mac MacLachlan
CONFERENCE DAY 2: Thursday, 24th of September 2020
9:30-10:20 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
GAATO Summit Platform Session 1
Global AT Outcome/Impact – EMERGING CONCEPTS
Join speakers from across the globe sharing their work. Emerging concepts covers digital manufacture in low income settings, and critical concepts in describing, discussing and evaluating AT.
Moderators: Silvana Contepomi, Roger O. Smith, Natasha Layton
Uncovering unexpected impacts: the case of digital manufacturing of wheelchairs in Kenya
Authors: G. Barbareschi, S. Daymond, J. Honeywill, D. Noble, N. Mbugua, I. Harris, C. Holloway
• Region: Kenya/Africa
Person-centred approaches to evaluation of assistive technology products and outcomes: An Australian policy and practice perspective
Authors: Natasha A Layton, Libby Callaway
• Region: Australia
The Value of Vocabulary Standards to Discuss AT Outcomes and Impact
Authors: Linda-Jeanne Elsaesser, Sajay Arthanat, Stephen Bauer, Emma Friesen, Takenobou Inoue, Emily Steel
• Region: Global
10:30-11:20 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
GAATO Summit Platform Session 2
Global AT Outcome/Impact - PRACTICES
‘Presenters from the global south and north showcase person-focussed partnerships and developments across diverse practice settings’
Moderators: Silvana Contepomi, Roger O. Smith, Esther Dakin-Poole, Natasha Layton
Wheelchair User’s Voice: Evaluation of Appropriate Wheelchair Provision in El Salvador
Authors: Jonathan Pearlman, Megan D’Innocenzo, Yasmin Garcia-Mendez, Perth Rosen, Virginia Rodriguez
Region: El Salvador
A partnership between researchers, an established NGO and an overseas manufacturer to address chronic problems with prosthetics supply in Uganda
Authors: K. Rubango, L. Ackers, R. Ssekitoleko, L. Kenney, D. Howard
Region: Uganda
Assistive Technology for People with Cognitive Disabilities: A 5 year follow-up on an interdisciplinary cognitive rehabilitation clinic focusing on its development, evolution, and expansion.
Authors: Amy Pacos Martinez, Timea Tozser, Christopher Stavisky, Nancy Dukelo, Lisa Walther, Sheryl Maier and Jamie Campeau
Region: U.S. North America
Other relevant international events on Day 2
11.30 am ET (Eastern Time: North American Eastern Standard Time)
RESNA International Plenary with Antony Duttine
Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations, 81 Av. Louis Casaï, 1216 Cointrin, Switzerland. www.gaato.org secretary@gaato.org