The African Network on Disability (AfriNEAD) has its 6th conference on the 1st and 2nd of December 2020. AfriNEAD is a project of the Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation Studies at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
The conference will be virtual.
Conference title: "Disability Unplugged - Beyond Conventions and Charters, what really matters to People with Disabilities in Africa".
During the conference a 2-hour workshop on Assistive technology is planned.
The aim of the workshop is to bring African stakeholders in assistive technology together so that we can discuss ways and opportunities for sharing information, knowledge and skills. We want to explore whether there is an interest in and need for collaboration. Then we want to generate ideas on practical strategies, such as ACAT, that can be used to enhance sharing of information and collaboration.
Conference registration fees:
Overseas delegates R3000 or $150
African delegates R2000 or $100
NPO R1000 or $50
Students R500 or $25
PWD R500 or $25
A negotiated price for people who cannot afford the above. Please contact afrinead@sun.ac.za for more information.
15% VAT will be added on each invoice
Link to register:
If you have any other questions about the assistive technology workshop please contact:
Surona Visagie
Email: suronav@sun.ac.za
For further information about AfriNEAD : http://blogs.sun.ac.za/afrinead/