GAATO members welcomed to participate

What are Calls for collaborative work?
The Board of AAATE, in its meeting of 13 January 2021, has discussed new opportunities to strengthen the AAATE community of members and to value membership. This need was felt strongly because of the fact that the 2021 conference will be moved to 2022, thus leaving a “social” and “academic exchange” gap which many members might feel as discouraging. The idea was born to create a framework for members to get engaged in collaborative work on a theme felt as important for anyone of them.
A model that can be learned from the ENTELIS project and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing is the concept of “Sprints”. Sprints are relatively short (maximum 6 months) implementations for collaborative work. Normally there is an initiator who designs the Sprint and launches a call for collaboration, specifying what kind of collaboration he/she is looking for, an expected result (e.g. a webinar, an article, a methodology, a tool, etc. ) and estimated workload (e.g. 10 hours of time for a workshop facilitation, 5 hours for the review of a policy paper, 20 hours for translating and promoting a survey in a specific country, etc.) and what the collaborating partner will get in return (e.g. co-authorship of an article, a learning experience, economic compensation, etc.).
Click here to download the template that has to be used to describe a Sprint. Starting from the first of March 2021, members can complete the template and send their calls for collaborative work to who will check the completeness of the information, upload it on the AAATE website and distribute it to the members.