Contribute to the world's first Global Grand Challenge in Assistive Technology

Leading up to the Global Report on Assistive Technology, GAATO [1] invites you to share your views on AT Outcomes. The Grand Challenge Regional Consultations will be held across all WHO Regions between June and September 2021.
In particular, GAATO aims to identify a set of challenges which address what is needed to be able to measure assistive technology outcomes and impact at the individual, community, local, national, and global level. Global grand challenges may address tools for data collection, data storage and use, outcomes related systems and their implementation, best practices, and policies.
How to Participate
Regional Consultation Teams are coordinating individual events in your region. If you are interested in participating in one of these events, please fill out the following form, and we will put you in touch with the team coordinating the event in your region.
Participant Expression of Interest Form:
STAGE 1: Regional Consultations Overview
Each regional consultation will follow a similar format (example below).
1 5 min Introduction to the GAATO Grand Challenges Project
15 mins AT Outcomes: State of the Field
40 min Breakout Session 1: Brainstorming and group prioritisation
30 min Reporting to Group and Voting
20 min Break
10 min Presentation of Prioritised List and Instructions
45 min Breakout Session 2: Refinement
30 mins Reporting to Group
20 mins Group Feedback
15 mins Next steps and wrap-up
STAGE 2: Global Consensus Process
GAATO leadership team will review the grand challenge lists from each of the regional consultation events and convene a Global Consensus Meeting.
The overall outcome is to describe and define each of the prioritised Global Grand Challenges, with relevant background information.
The resulting 2021 Global Grand Challenges in Assistive Technology Outcomes will serve as a guide for future conversations and research in the area of assistive technology outcomes.