Your participation is requested to provide evidence of how important assistive technology is in sports participation.

Are you an AT user, supporter, caregiver, adapted or parasport coach or teacher?
Maynooth University are conducting a study to learn more about how every-day assistive technologies facilitate engagement in sport. Engagement in sport for this study is a broad concept. It could involve anything from watching sports on TV to playing a sport with friends to competing at an elite level. In this study sport is considered everything from physical activity in your environment, individual activities like dance, swimming, or cycling, or traditional team sports.
The researchers are also looking for a variety of opinions - they want to hear from AT users, but also from their caregivers, supporters, coaches, and teachers.
If you are 18+ and use Assistive Technology (AT) or provide support/coach or teach an AT user, this survey is for you. Please distribute this survey to others in your network who would be interested in participating. Unfortunately at this time the survey is only available in English and this limitation is acknowledged.
You can take the survey here: Assistive Technology & Engagement in Sport

This 15 min Survey is titled GATE‘s Priority Assistive Products and their impact on AT-user’s Participation in & Engagement with Sport. By anonymously answering this survey you are contributing to important research surrounding AT & Sports.
The survey will be open until Wednesday, May 19th 2021.
Thank you for your time in completing this survey, or passing it on to your colleagues.