The Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) is the interdisciplinary pan-European association devoted to all aspects of assistive technology, such as use, research, development, manufacture, supply, provision and policy. The AAATE’s mission is ‘to stimulate the advancement of assistive technology for the benefit of people with disabilities, including elderly people’ and over 250 members from all over Europe and throughout the world are already taking part in AAATE’s activities.
Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Asistiva: Promover el acceso y el uso efectivo de recursos de Tecnología Asistiva para facilitar la participación activa, inclusiva de las personas con discapacidad.
ARATA is a national association whose purpose is to serve as a forum for information sharing and liaison between people who are involved with the use, prescription, customisation, supply and ongoing support of assistive technology. Our focus is the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technology in Australia, through activities including conferences, special interest groups, website, listserver, membership directory and a newsletter.
The ATIA is the premier organization for manufacturers, sellers and providers of assistive technology (AT)—products, equipment and systems that enhance learning, working and daily living for persons with disabilities.
The EASTIN Association includes 7 Partners, 16 Affiliates and 4 external National Contact Organization. The core of the network is the online information system www.eastin.eu, which provides – currently in 24 languages – information on AT products available in various countries, supplying companies and other useful material such as fact sheets, case studies and manuals.
The Indian Association of Assistive Technologists (IAAT) is an independent, non-political, secular, not-for-profit Members Association of Rehabilitation( health) Professionals and providers of Assistive Devices and/or services to people with disabilities and elderly people to live independently.
IAAT is a National Association registered under the society registration act, established in 2016 with the vision to be a national leader in the area of Assistive Technology (AT) and evolve the state of the art approaches for the care of the differently-abled people, and Geriatric Population, through services, education, and research.
ISPO is a global, multidisciplinary, non-governmental organisation aiming to improve the quality of life for persons who may benefit from prosthetic, orthotic, mobility, and assistive devices. ISPO provides an effective platform for the exchange and communication on all aspects of the science, practice, and education associated with the provision of prosthetic and orthotic care, rehabilitation engineering, wheelchairs and therapy, and related areas.https://www.ispoint.org/discover-ispo/
Raising the Floor is an organization focused on working to ensure that people who face barriers due to disability, literacy, digital-literacy, and aging are able to fully understand, access, and use the digital world we are creating (the web, computers, tablets, phones, educational materials, ticket machines, thermostats, and even home appliances).
The RESJA is an organization concerned with the application of science and technology in the rehabilitation process. The membership includes rehabilitation professionals (engineers, medical staff, teachers for children with disabilities, providers (makers and dealers), and consumers (disabled persons).
Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of Korea
RESNA, the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, is the premier professional organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through increasing access to technology solutions. RESNA advances the field by offering certification, continuing education, and professional development; developing assistive technology standards; promoting research and public policy; and sponsoring forums for the exchange of information and ideas to meet the needs of our multidisciplinary constituency.
TREATS, was established in 2011. Our members include experts and scholars from various fields such as medical physician, rehabilitation engineering, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, special education, social workers, and others.